Newbie to adapty needs help!
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I am using Flutter to develop an app and Firebase for data storage, with Adapty handling payments and RTDN integrated. The issue I'm facing is:
When I make a purchase using Gmail A for account Acc A on Device A, after the payment is completed, the payment information is saved to Firebase. Later, I uninstall the app on Device A and log into Acc A on Device B using Gmail B. Then, I request a refund on Google Play using Gmail A on Device A.
How can Acc A be notified when the refund is processed, or is there a way for the RTDN event to notify Firebase to update the status?
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I did a test notification but it still shows "Notification hasn't been received yet."
Adapty Support
Adapty Support
Hey there!
Indeed, refund events, as well as many other events, are delivered to Adapty server-to-server, via RTDN. RTDN does not depend on the app being installed/uninstalled, so we well get the event and display it in Adapty.
We will also send the event to Firebase if the integration is active:
Hope it helps!