Is there any new documentation for iOS ? For example In the documentation : 2.7.0. or Should I use which version ?
Akın Aksoy
Is there any new documentation for iOS ? For example In the documentation : 2.7.0. or Should I use which version ?
AdaptyUI.getViewConfiguration(forPaywall: paywall, locale: "en") { result in
switch result {
case let .success(viewConfiguration):
// use loaded configuration
case let .failure(error):
// handle the error
But I can't find this method. Only I see this function :
public static func getViewConfiguration(data: Data,
_ completion: @escaping AdaptyResultCompletion<AdaptyUI.ViewConfiguration>) {
Can you describe " How can I integrate Paywall Builder View to IOS app SwiftUI ?"
Adapty Support
Emre, Adapty
You need to import AdaptyUI and then present the visual paywalls