How to use AdaptyUI iOS
Svetlana Krivoborodova
Hello! I have a paywall that is built with Paywall Builder. I found that a separate AdaptyUI module should be used to display such paywalls. As described on, I get a paywall and then have to use the AdaptyUI.getViewConfiguration (paywall:locale:) method, but I get an error because the callable method is AdaptyUI.getViewConfiguration (data:, completion:).
One project managed to display a paywall using this AdaptyUI.getViewConfiguration (paywall:locale:) method, but this required downgrading Adapty to 2.8.0, although the current version is 2.9.3.
I've also tried getting the display configuration using Paywall.RemoteConfig and Paywall.RemoteConfigString, but I get nil there and there.
Can you please tell me how to get and display the paywall created with Paywall Builder correctly?
Adapty Support
Amina M, Adapty
Hello! Thanks for contacting us.
Yesterday, we released a new version of AdaptyUI 2.1.0, which fixed compatibility with the Adapty iOS SDK. Please try upgrading to this version and let us know if this helped with your problem.