Finding my profile id
Sergio Rodriguez
Hi there Adapty Team & Users,
This is Sergio, I am a software developer contractor with Pipedream. Pipedream is an integration platform for developers. Currently, we have over 500,000 developers running ~50,000 workflows a month on our platform.
At the moment we have a ticket requesting that we onboard Adapty to our apps available for integrations. So I jumptd into getting started with Adapty and I wanted to immediately start testing the API.
Since Pipedream works with Server-Side APIs, I identified the "Get info about a user" request the best suited for my use case, that is, just test a basic integration between Pipedream and Adapty, but I am missing the Profile ID.
How can I retrieve my Profile ID that Adapty internally uses to identify that account? That's what I'd like to use when hitting "Get info about a user".
That said, I guessed that installing the Adapty SDK in some of its platforms would allow me to identify a user, and thus create a new customer user ID I could use when querying "Get info about a user". I spun an Android, gradle sample project and added the Adapty code
Adapty.activate(getApplicationContext(),"public_live_0rGaQ1uX.xxxxxxxxxxx", false, "541013");
but although my sample executes in Android Studio, I don't see any user being created over Adapty UI. (I am able to see that the installation count in Analytics was increased to 1).
Can someone please advice?
Many thanks!
Adapty Support
adapty access
Hi there! Could you please clarify if you configured everything according to this article: ?
Please note that you should configure SDK fully before start working with server-side API. Make sure to follow our guides via link here: