Android SDK 2.9.1 > Error : 400 Bad Request > setVariationId()
Axita Savani
Hi, Team
We are facing the below issues when trying to set up an event after purchase.
Request is unsuccessful. Code: 400, Response: {"errors":[{"detail":"Transaction with this id does not exist","status":"400","source":{"pointer":"/data"},"code":"TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND"}]}
Adapty.setVariationId(purchase.getOrderId(), paywall.getVariationId(), new ErrorCallback() {
public void onResult(@Nullable AdaptyError error) {
if (error == null) {
ObLogger.i(TAG, "setVariationId onResult: EventSent --> ");
} else {
ObLogger.i(TAG, "setVariationId onResult: error --> " + error.toString());
Paywall: Comes from "Adapty.getPaywall()" function
Purchase: Comes from GooglePlayBilling "onPurchasesUpdated()" method.
SDK : implementation 'io.adapty:android-sdk:2.9.1'
Axita Savani
Okay, Can you please share what is the sequence of Action? Also, How do Validate Purchases in your terms?
Amina M, Adapty
Hello! Thank you for getting in touch.
Upon checking our backend system, it appears that the transaction with the provided vendor_transaction_id was not located. It's possible that there may be an issue with the sequence of actions taken.
Typically, it's necessary to validate the purchase first before assigning the variation_id.
If you require further assistance, please feel free to let us know. We're here to help!