{"adaptyCode":"noProductsFound","localizedDescription":"No In-App Purchases were found.","code":1001}
Hi, I am getting this error recently before it was working fine.
Their seems to be some issue the products are not being found!
And According to bugsnag report recently it spiked up effecting almost 5000+ users!!
{"adaptyCode":"noProductsFound","localizedDescription":"No In-App Purchases were found.","code":1001}
It was working fine before!
Platform: React Native
SDK: "react-native-adapty": "^1.3.13"
Adapty Support
J Gibson
Having the same issue, needs urgent attention please
Hey there,
All the steps you mentioned are already fulfilled! And It's been couple of months we have been using Adapty for in app purchases! And recently this is the second time we faced this issue in previous 2 months! And all the users from 24th dec to 25th dec were not allowed to make any purchase. And this isn't because of the above points that you have mentioned as if this would be then the products won't load even the first time or even once but it is working fine now, moreover we have confirmed all the points you've mentioned too and they seem to be correct! This seems to be a serious issue as it effects all the users in production and eventually our sales as this issue prevent the users from purchasing!
We did reported this issue 2 months ago as well and it was fixed by your development team and it happened again now.
Thread from last time: https://docs.adapty.io/discuss/63510a1c75791d059b1153a3
Adapty Support
Hey there!
Please, refer to the checklist to make sure that the products are available:
All the products were added to Adapty Dashboard
Package name of your app matches the one from Google Store
Product identifiers from the stores match with the ones you've added to the Dashboard. Identifiers should not contain Package name unless they do so in store already.
Please be sure, that in your google tax settings, the app paid status is active. Tax info should be up-to-date and certificates must be valid too.
- Make sure that there is a bank account attached, so the app would be eligible for monetisation.
Products should be at least in "Ready To Submit" state in Google Store.
Hopefully it helps!