#1000 (noProductIDsFound): No In-App Purchase product identifiers were found.
Adapty Support
I did what u said. I check and tick all country but not solved
Zack Hatlen
I found the solution at the end of three days.
Every subscription was only active for Germany, and we kept getting this error when a device registered in the UK downloaded it from the app store.
If you can't solve it despite all instructions, make sure to check this situation as well.
make sure all countries are available.
Here are the logs when trying to fetch the products and display the paywall:
DEBUG [2023-08-08T13:18:51.448Z] [adapty@2.4.5] "bridgeCall": Calling bridge function: OK {"response": null}
DEBUG [2023-08-08T13:18:51.448Z] [adapty@2.4.5] "setLogLevel": Calling method: OK undefined
DEBUG [2023-08-08T13:18:51.555Z] [adapty@2.4.5] "bridgeCall": Calling bridge function: OK {"error": [Error: {"adapty_code":1000,"message":"No In-App Purchase product identifiers were found.","detail":"StoreKitManagerError.noProductIDsFound([2.4.5]: Adapty/SKProductsManager.swift#55)"}]}
DEBUG [2023-08-08T13:18:51.556Z] [adapty@2.4.5] "BridgeError.nativeErr": Creating new BridgeError from native error... {"args": [Error: {"adapty_code":1000,"message":"No In-App Purchase product identifiers were found.","detail":"StoreKitManagerError.noProductIDsFound([2.4.5]: Adapty/SKProductsManager.swift#55)"}]}
DEBUG [2023-08-08T13:18:51.556Z] [adapty@2.4.5] "BridgeError": Raised new BridgeError {"adapty_code": 1000, "detail": "StoreKitManagerError.noProductIDsFound([2.4.5]: Adapty/SKProductsManager.swift#55)", "message": "No In-App Purchase product identifiers were found."}
DEBUG [2023-08-08T13:18:51.556Z] [adapty@2.4.5] "getPaywallProducts": Calling method: OK {"error": [Error: [ADAPTY] #1000 (noProductIDsFound): No In-App Purchase product identifiers were found.]}
LOG [Error: [ADAPTY] #1000 (noProductIDsFound): No In-App Purchase product identifiers were found.]
adapty access
Kindly share the verbose logs of recreating the issue. The articles here contain the instructions for all platforms: https://docs.adapty.io/docs/configuring-adapty-sdk
I have checked all 1-5 of the steps multiple times and am still unable to resolve. Are there any other reasons that this error would occur? After days of work I am going to have to switch to react-native-iap
adapty access
Hi there! Please follow steps from this article to fix the issue:
Error 1000 (noProductIDsFound): No In-App Purchase product identifiers were found
If you are encountering this error, please follow the steps below to resolve it:
Check if all the products have been added to Adapty Dashboard.
Ensure that the Bundle ID of your app matches the one from the Apple Connect.
Verify that the product identifiers from the app stores match with the ones you have added to the Dashboard. Please note that the identifiers should not contain Bundle ID, unless it is already included in the store.
Confirm that the app paid status is active in your Apple tax settings. Ensure that your tax information is up-to-date and your certificates are valid.
Check if a bank account is attached to the app, so it can be eligible for monetization.
Also, ensure that your products are in “Ready to Submit” state.
Let us know if that helps!
Instruction for android is here: https://docs.adapty.io/docs/testing-on-android#error-1000-no-in-app-purchase-product-identifiers-were-found
I have the same issue.